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2024.05 - 至今      中山大学,先进制造学院                    副教授

2021.11 - 2024.05    香港理工大学,超精密加工技术国家重点实验室     博士后研究员

2020.07 - 2021.11   重庆大学,机械与运载工程学院                弘深青年教师

2015.09 - 2020.03    西安交通大学,机械工程学院                 博士

2018.10 - 2019.10    亚利桑那大学,Wyant光学科学学院              CSC联合培养博士













·第17届中日超精密加工国际会议(CJUMP 2023)组委会委员、分会场主席

·第10届亚洲精密工程及纳米技术国际会议(ASPEN 2023)组委会委员、分会场主席

·第8届亚太光学制造会议暨第3届国际先进光学制造青年科学家论坛(APCOM 2023 & YSAOM 2023)组委会委员、邀请报告

·Frontiers in MaterialsIF: 3.985)、MicromachinesIF: 3.523)客座编辑

·International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Expert Systems with Applications, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Precision Engineering, Ceramic International, Measurement, Scientific Reports, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Optics Express, Optical Materials Express, Optics Communications, Applied Optics, Optical Engineering, Materials Today Communications, Applied Physics B等近20SCI 期刊审稿人



[1]Xiao H, Yin S, Cheung CF, Zhou P. A novel subsurface damage model in diamond wire sawing of silicon wafers. Eng Fract Mech 2024;311:110534.

[2]Wu H, Huang X, He C, Xiao H, Luo S. Infrared small target detection with Swin Transformer-based multi-scale atrous spatial pyramid pooling network. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas 2024:1-1.

[3]Zhou P, Cheung CF, Xiao H, Wang C. The chip generation and removal mechanisms of thermal-assisted polishing monocrystalline 4 H-SiC. Tribol Int 2024;194:109504.

[4]Xiao H, Yin S, Cheung CF, Wang C. Cracking behavior during scratching brittle materials with different-shaped indenters. Int J Mech Sci 2024;268:109041.

[5]Wu H, Luo S, Chen M, Xiao H, Wang T, He C. Super-resolution image restoration for microlens array imaging system. Opt Laser Technol 2024;170:110139.

[6]Wu H, Zeng L, Chen M, Wang T, He C, Xiao H, Luo S. Weak surface defect detection for production-line plastic bottles with multi-view imaging system and LFF YOLO. Opt Lasers Eng 2024;181:108369.

[7]Deng L, Luo S, He C, Xiao H, Wu H. Underwater small and occlusion object detection with feature fusion and global context decoupling head-based YOLO. Multimed Syst 2024;30:208.

[8]Lu Y, Mou X, Xiao H, Li K, Wang C. Surface integrity of binderless WC using dry electrical discharge assisted grinding. Int J Precis Eng Manuf Technol 2024.

[9]Yin S, Xiao H, Xu C, Deng M, Kundu T. Theoretical error formation and evaluation of acoustic source localization for cluster-based techniques. Ultrasonics 2023;132:106982.

[10]Xiao H, Zhang F, Yin S, Cheung CF, Wang C. Subsurface damage model in single and double scratching of fused silica with a blunt indenter. Int J Mech Sci 2023;250:108309.

[11]Xiao H, Yin S, Cheung CF, Zhang F, Cao H, Wang C. Material removal behavior analysis of ZnSe crystal during side-forward nanoscratching. Int J Mech Sci 2023;241:107968.

[12]Wu H, Hao X, Wu J, Xiao H, He C, Yin S. Deep learning-based image super-resolution restoration for mobile infrared imaging system. Infrared Phys Technol 2023;132:104762.

[13]Liu Y, Huang X, Cao H, Wang J, Xiao H. Model of surface texture for honed gear considering motion path and geometrical shape of abrasive particle. Chin J Mech Eng 2023;36:96.

[14]Guo C, Zhou A, He J, Xiao H, Li D. An investigation in sub-millimeter channel fabrication by the non-aqueous electrolyte jet machining of Zr-Based bulk metallic glasses. Micromachines 2023;14:2232.

[15]Gao R, Jiang C, Ye H, Xiao H, Cheung CF, Wang C. Exploring the potential of the fabrication of large-size mirror facet for semiconductor laser bar utilizing mechanical cleavage. Ceram Int 2023;49:21883-21891.

[16]Yin S, Xiao H, Xu C, Wang J, Deng M, Kundu T. Microcrack localization using nonlinear Lamb waves and cross-shaped sensor clusters. Ultrasonics 2022;124:106770.

[17]Yin S, Xiao H, Wu H, Wang C, Cheung CF. Image-processing-based model for the characterization of surface roughness and subsurface damage of silicon wafer in diamond wire sawing. Precis Eng 2022;77:263-274.

[18]Yin S, Xiao H, Kang W, Wu H, Liang R. Shoulder damage model and its application for single point diamond machining of ZnSe crystal. Materials 2022;15:233.

[19]Xiao H, Yin S, Wu H, Wang H, Liang R. Theoretical model and digital extraction of subsurface damage in ground fused silica. Opt Express 2022;30:17999-18017.

[20]Kang W, Seigo M, Xiao H, Wang D, Liang R. Experimental studies on fabricating lenslet array with slow tool servo. Micromachines 2022;13:1564.

[21]Yin S, Xiao H, Cui Z, Kundu T. Rapid localization of acoustic source using sensor clusters in 3D homogeneous and heterogeneous structures. Struct Health Monit 2021;20:1145-1155.

[22]Xiao H, Yin S, Wang H, Liu Y, Wu H, Liang R, Cao H. Models of grinding-induced surface and subsurface damages in fused silica considering strain rate and micro shape/geometry of abrasive. Ceram Int 2021;47:24924-24941.

[23]Wu H, Zhao G, Chen M, Cheng L, Xiao H, Xu L, Wang D, Liang J, Xu Y. Hybrid neural network-based adaptive computational ghost imaging. Opt Lasers Eng 2021;140:106529.

[24]Wu H, Wu W, Chen M, Luo S, Zhao R, Xu L, Xiao H, Cheng L, Zhang X, Xu Y. Computational ghost imaging with 4-step iterative rank minimization. Phys Lett A 2021;394:127199.

[25]Wang T, Chen M, Wu H, Xiao H, Luo S, Cheng L. Underwater compressive computational ghost imaging with wavelet enhancement. Appl Opt 2021;60:6950-6957.

[26]李雨菡, 肖华攀, 王海容, 梁晓雅, 李昌朋, 叶鑫, 蒋晓东, 苗心向, 姚彩珍, 孙来喜. 湿法刻蚀处理熔石英光学元件研究进展. 激光与光电子学进展 2021;58:1516026.

[27]Zhang Y, Yin S, Liang R, Luo H, Xiao H, Yuan N. New testing and calculation method for determination viscoelasticity of optical glass. Opt Express 2020;28:626-640.

[28]Wu H, Zhao G, Wang R, Xiao H, Wang D, Liang J, Cheng L, Liang R. Computational ghost imaging system with 4-connected-region-optimized Hadamard pattern sequence. Opt Lasers Eng 2020;132:106105.

[29]Wu H, Wang R, Zhao G, Xiao H, Wang D, Liang J, Tian X, Cheng L, Zhang X. Sub-Nyquist computational ghost imaging with deep learning. Opt Express 2020;28:3846-3853.

[30]Wu H, Wang R, Zhao G, Xiao H, Liang J, Wang D, Tian X, Cheng L, Zhang X. Deep-learning denoising computational ghost imaging. Opt Lasers Eng 2020;134:106183.

[31]Wu H, Wang R, Huang Z, Xiao H, Liang J, Wang D, Tian X, Wang T, Cheng L. Online adaptive computational ghost imaging. Opt Lasers Eng 2020;128:106028.

[32]Xiao H, Wang H, Yu N, Liang R, Tong Z, Chen Z, Wang J. Evaluation of fixed abrasive diamond wire sawing induced subsurface damage of solar silicon wafers. J Mater Process Technol 2019;273:116267.

[33]Xiao H, Liang R, Spires O, Wang H, Wu H, Zhang Y. Evaluation of surface and subsurface damages for diamond turning of ZnSe crystal. Opt Express 2019;27:28364.

[34]Xiao H, Chen Z, Wang H, Wang J, Zhu N. Effect of grinding parameters on surface roughness and subsurface damage and their evaluation in fused silica. Opt Express 2018;26:4638-4655.

[35]Xiao H, Wang H, Fu G, Chen Z. Surface roughness and morphology evolution of optical glass with micro-cracks during chemical etching. Appl Opt 2017;56:702-711.

[36]Xiao H, Wang H, Chen Z, Fu G, Wang J. Effect of brittle scratches on transmission of optical glass and its induced light intensification during the chemical etching. Opt Eng 2017;56:1.

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